MS EXCEL - Age Calculations

MS EXCEL - Age Calculations


(input in cells)
D1- old date
D2- new date

x- It can be Y, M, D, YM, MD
Y- Return no of year between 2 dates
M- Return no. of months between 2 dates
D - Return no. of days between 2 dates
YM- Return no. of month in current year
MD- Return no of days in current months

Example –

Date1 - 10/29/1992 (Written in cell C14)
Date2 - 10/25/2015 (Written in cell C16)

=CONCATENATE(DATEDIF(C14,C16,“Y”),” Years “,DATEDIF(C14,C16,“YM”),”
Months “,DATEDIF(C14,C16,“MD”),” Days”)

22 Years 11 Months 26 Days